Books, hockey, and a bucketful of snark

Being the musings of a Yorkshire lass living in the USA. I'm a book geek, bird nerd, grammar Nazi, and hockey nut.  Sarcasm is my default setting. 

A Book a Day - September 2014

Day 1 Favourite book about books and/or bookshops

The Eyre Affair


Day 2 Favourite book set in a school

Goodbye Mr Chips & To Serve Them All My Days

Day 3 Best Home Front novel

Land Girls

Day 4 The book you bought for the cover

Cats in the Belfry 

Day 5 The book you bought despite the cover

Never Let Me Go

Day 6 Favourite book of short stories

Fragile Things, and The Golden Apples of the Sun

Day 7 Favourite fictional monarch

The Queen of Hearts

Day 8 Favourite literary dinner party

Bilbo Baggins' birthday party, The Lord of the Rings

Day 9 Your literary crush

Mr Rochester, Jane Eyre

Day 10 A book that gave you hope

The Courage to Start

Day 11 Best book recommended by a librarian

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

Day 12 Favourite Austen character

Catherine Morland

Day 13 Favourite Roald Dahl character

Fantastic Mr Fox

Day 14 The fictional character who is most like you

Jane Eyre & Little My

Day 15 Favourite Agatha Christie mystery

Murder on the Orient Express, 4:50 from Paddington

Day 16 Favourite picture book

The Mousehole Cat

Day 17 Favourite literary detective

Thursday Next, V I Warshawski 

Day 18 Favourite coming of age book

A Candle in Her Room

Day 19 Favourite seafaring novel

Master and Commander

Day 20 Favourite literary friendship

Aubrey & Maturin, Lucy & Mr Tumnus, Jane Eyre & Helen Burns, Ron, Harry & Hermione

Day 21 A book to turn someone into a reader

Anything by Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl, or J K. Rowling

Day 22 Best book recommended by a bookseller

Heat, and Cold by Bill Streever

Day 23 Favourite prize-winning book

Wolf Hall

Day 24 Favourite book set in the 1920s

The Great Gatsby & Brideshead Revisited

Day 25 A book recommended by your parents

No Highway & Doomsday Book

Day 26 Favourite poetry collection

Tales from Ovid

Day 27 A book set in your favourite country to visit
Day 28 Favourite literary troublemaker
Day 29 The book that made you question everything
Day 30 The best book you have read this month

Currently reading

A Column of Fire
Ken Follett
King Hereafter
Dorothy Dunnett
Progress: 62 %