Books, hockey, and a bucketful of snark

Being the musings of a Yorkshire lass living in the USA. I'm a book geek, bird nerd, grammar Nazi, and hockey nut.  Sarcasm is my default setting. 

Book Challenge - October 2013

Page in progress


Day 1 Best book you read last year

Daughter of Smoke and Bone


Day 2 a book that you've read more than three times

The Great Gatsby


Day 3 Your favourite series

Thursday Next


Day 4 favourite book of your favourite series

The Eyre Affair


Day 5 A book that makes you happy

My Family and Other Animals


Day 6 a book that makes you sad

Tess of the D'Urbevilles


Day 7 A book that makes you laugh

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Day 8 Most overrated book



Day 9 a book you thought you would hate but ended up loving

House of Leaves


Day 10 a book that reminds you of home

All Creatures Great and Small & Moonlight Mile


Day 11 a book you hated

Pride and Prejudice


Day 12 a book that you love and hate at the same time

The Last Battle


Day 13 your favourite writer

Thomas Hardy


Day 14 book turned into movie and completely desecrated

Deadlock (V I Warshawski)


Day 15 favourite male character

Mr Rochester


Day 16 favourite female character

Loads of 'em!


Day 17 favourite quote from your favourite book

Openers and Closers


Day 18 a book that disappointed you

Catcher in the Rye


Day 19 favourite book turned into a movie

Far from the Madding Crowd


Day 20 favourite romance book

Jane Eyre


Day 21 the first novel you remember reading

Watership Down


Day 22 a book that makes you cry

The Railway Children


Day 23 a book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven't

A Canticle for Lebowitz


Day 24 A book that you wish more people would've read

The Quincunx


Day 25 a character who you can relate to the most

Little My


Day 26 a book that changed your opinion about something

Northanger Abbey


Day 27 the most surprising plot twist or ending

Very Hungry Caterpillar


Day 28 favourite title of a book

Pies and Prejudice


Day 29 a book that everyone hated but you liked

What They Do in the Dark


Day 30 your favourite book of all time

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Day 31 A book that scared the snot out of you


Currently reading

A Column of Fire
Ken Follett
King Hereafter
Dorothy Dunnett
Progress: 62 %