Books, hockey, and a bucketful of snark

Being the musings of a Yorkshire lass living in the USA. I'm a book geek, bird nerd, grammar Nazi, and hockey nut.  Sarcasm is my default setting. 

A Book a Day - July 2014

Day 1 A book that made you laugh out loud

Expecting Someone Taller - Tom Holt


Day 2 Favourite SF/Fantasy novel for world UFO day

Deryni Rising - Katherine Kurtz

Day 3 Favourite novel in translation

Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

Day 4 All-time favourite American novel for Independence Day

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullers

Day 5 Most delicious novel about food

The Book of Unholy Mischief - Elle Newmark


Day 6 Which book will you put down to watch the Wimbledon final

Cannery Row - John Steinbeck, or Peterson's Field Guide

Day 7 Most chocolatey novel - for National Chocolate Day

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl


Day 8 Favourite Great War novel
Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks

Day 9 Most irritating character in a novel
Bella Swan (Twilight - Stephenie Meyer)

Day 10 Novel with a memorable picnic for Teddy Bear Picnic Day
Bunnikins' Picnic Party - Ladybird Books

Day 11 The book that made you cry
Watership Down - Richard Adams

Day 12 Novel that best conjured a place for you
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

Day 13 Best title for a novel
First Among Sequels - Jasper Fforde

Day 14 For Bastille Day - your favourite novel about or set in France
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens

Day 15 The last book you bought
The Golden Notebook - Doris Lessing

Day 16 Favourite book to take to the beach
Lace - Shirley Conran


Day 17 Novel which surprised you the most

Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck


Day 18 Favourite crime novel of all time - it's the Harrogate Crime Festival

4:50 From Paddington

Day 19 Most memorable plot twist - no spoilers please

Fingersmith - Sarah Waters

Day 20 Your Desert Island novel

The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy

Day 21 The novel you expected to hate but turned out you loved

Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell

Day 22 The novel you most like to give to friends

The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde

Day 23 Favourite novel with exotic background

Murder on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie

Day 24 A book that most reminds you of your English teacher

Selected Poems - D H Lawrence

Day 25 Book that is your guilty pleasure

Riders - Jilly Cooper

Day 26 The novel you wish you'd written

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

Day 27 For National Parents' Day - the best/worst parent in fiction

Atticus Finch and Medea

Day 28 Favourite animal character

The Cat That Walks by Himself - Rudyard Kipling

Day 29 Favourite likeable villain

Emperor Zhark - Jasper Fforde

Day 30 Book you've read or will read because of #bookadayuk

Time Shifters - Shanna Lauffey

Day 31 The book that reminds you of someone special

Flat Stanley - Jeff Brown


Currently reading

A Column of Fire
Ken Follett
King Hereafter
Dorothy Dunnett
Progress: 62 %